Luca Campana ha ritirato la denuncia contro il parlamentare Emanuele Pozzolo per l'incidente di Capodanno a Rosazza, dopo ...
It’s been quite the year for game industry exec Pany Haritatos.  Last month, he quietly closed an oversubscribed $28 million ...
Dell claims that sales employees will be expected to return to the office five days a week, starting on Sept. 30, “regardless ...
Most members of Dell’s sales team will no longer have the option to work remotely, starting on Monday, Reuters reported this ...
Could cockroaches and mice be the reason some kids with asthma have more colds than others? That's some of the research being ...
The latest updates on Tank Dell’s injury status for Week 4 vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars. Stay informed with our comprehensive ...
在最近与《麦肯锡季刊》的精彩对话中,戴尔科技集团的首席执行官兼创始人Michael Dell深入探讨了人工智能技术的现状与未来,尤其是其对计算机行业的深远影响。Dell认为我们正处于一场AI革命的初期,而其潜力远超我们的想象。这场变革不仅将重塑商业模式,还将彻底改变人们的工作方式和日常生活。
C114讯 北京时间9月20日消息(艾斯)根据市场研究公司Dell'Oro Group的最新报告,2024年第二季度,全球以太网园区交换机市场收入暴跌30%,这是该细分市场连续第三个季度出现同比下降。以太网园区交换机的销售额在2023年第二季度创下历史新高,一年后的同一时期,供应商的处境却更糟了。
Una tragedia si è verificata a Montesilvano (Pescara) quando un autobus di Tua ha frenato bruscamente per evitare un'auto ...
这款DELL 戴尔 灵越PLUS 16 7630 是一款高性能的轻薄笔记本电脑。它采用了最新的酷睿i5-13420H处理器,配备16GB内存和1TB SSD硬盘,能够轻松应对多任务处理和大型软件运行。屏幕尺寸为16英寸,分辨率为2.5K,并且支持WVA技术,画面清晰细腻。同时,它还配备了120Hz ...
L'occupazione cresce e crescono anche i contratti di lavoro a tempo indeterminato. I successi della contrattazione collettiva sono i indubbi ma il segretario della Cgil parla d'altro ...