一方面,家电厂商和实体店斥责网上渠道商乱价;另一方面,线上竞争压价此消彼长,马来西亚电商长此以往,可能很多负面效应要超过中国市场。原因是,马来西亚人口数量仅有3000多万,而电商平台之间、家电厂商之间、线上和线下渠道商,几方之间的博弈会很快恶化家电市 ...
近期披露的信息显示,三大电商巨头Shopee、Lazada及TikTok Shop的销售佣金费率已攀升至10%,刷新了行业记录。值得注意的是,Shopee与TikTok Shop早在2024年4月便已实施了一轮费用调整。这一系列变动凸显了电商领域内。
作者余特莉、阳歌,本文只代表作者本人观点。 因为本土竞争日趋白热化,电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(BABA.US; 9988.HK)的日子可能不太好过。但阿里旗下独立运营的国际业务部门阿里国际数字商业集团(阿里国际),由于服务来自世界各地的供应商和买家,境遇就要好 ...
Lazada’s key advantage in Southeast Asia amid rising competition from new entrants such as PDD Holdings’ Temu and ByteDance’s TikTok lies in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI ...
【环球网财经综合报道】港股上市公司神州控股(00861.HK)近日公布,旗下科捷成功签下阿里国际数字商业集团旗下东南亚领先的电子商务平台Lazada越南项目订单,神州控股科捷将为Lazada在越南提供全方位专业化的供应链仓储运营服务,助力其在越南的业务发展 ...
SINGAPORE, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lazada, a leading eCommerce platform in Southeast Asia, today released its annual Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Impact report: Accelerating ...
As the new chief executive of major e-marketplace operator Lazada Thailand, Varitha Kiatpinyochai, 32, is the company's youngest homegrown chief executive and the first woman to take the helm. She ...
Lazada's third ESG Impact Report underscores its commitment to building a responsible and sustainable business through innovation SINGAPORE, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lazada, a leading ...
SINGAPORE, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lazada, a leading eCommerce platform in Southeast Asia, today released its annual Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Impact report: Accelerating ...