Leaders must continuously adapt and fine-tune the mediation layer to their evolving API usage, ensuring it enhances system ...
叶晓煜主席介绍道,自工作组成立以来,中国工作组的影响力不断扩大,中国公司之间的合作不断深入,中国公司的国际贡献不断提升,目前由中国公司发起的API立项已经占据全球的17%以上,并且通过一系列的发布应用案例、成立联合实验室、编程马拉松、开发者大会、Op ...
众所周知,多年来电信行业一直在尝试利用应用程序编程接口(API)来拓展业务边界,希望带来更广泛的收入来源,尤其在去年GSMA宣布推出Open ...
Nowadays, all the customers want transactions done immediately. This puts the Indian B2B sector under unprecedented pressure.
Discover how API security is crucial in meeting DORA compliance by securing data transmission, managing third-party risks, ...
Discover the best payment gateways of 2024 with a review of top secure solutions. Learn about key features, pros and cons, ...
众所周知,多年来电信行业一直在尝试利用应用程序编程接口 (API)来拓展业务边界,希望带来更广泛的收入来源,尤其在去年GSMA宣布推出Open Gateway倡议计划后,这一发展趋势得到了更多产业链参与者的拥护。就在近日,爱立信联合全球部分最大规模的电信运营商,成立了一家旨在实现这一目标的新合资公司。
新成立的公司将基于GSMA和Linux基金会共同推动的开源项目CAMARA ...
过去两年里,API 作为 5G 货币化新载体的步伐虽然缓慢,但一直在加速,特别是 GSMA 的开放网关计划和 Linux 基金会的 CAMARA 项目促进了网络 API 的行业标准化。爱立信在一份声明中表示,新公司将遵循 Open ...
API banking solutions have become the backbone of modern financial systems. They allow various banking services to integrate ...
SAN FRANCISCO, September 17, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Traefik Labs, the creator of the world's leading cloud-native application ...