Spectacles配备了4个空间摄像头,将画面延迟控制在13毫秒内,“支持无缝的手部追踪效果”。例如,相邻的两个Spectacles玩家在同一个虚拟棋盘下棋。而非Spectacles玩家也可以通过全新的Spectacles应用,在手机端观看AR画面 ...
Editor’s note: We are publishing these 3D animations to show the destructive power of the AR-15. The images may disturb some people. The wounds show the lethal force of the AR-15. But they are ...
另外微软删除 Copilot 的 WIn+C 快捷键组合。 添加对 Emoji 15.1 版的支持: 新增表情包括左右摇头、上下摇头、凤凰、青橙、棕色蘑菇和断开的锁链等。
Tens of millions of AR-15 rifles and similar variants are in the hands of US gun enthusiasts When it comes to America's vast gun culture, no weapon has become as ubiquitous - or controversial - as ...
This revelation was made in the arrest warrant affidavit for Jalyn Nalley, the 16-year-old who has been charged as an adult ...
An AR-15 recovered near the scene of a shooting along Interstate 75 in Kentucky is believed to be the weapon used by the gunman who opened fire on drivers and hospitalized five people. NBC News ...
7 月 26 日消息,微软公司今天面向Release Preview频道的Windows Insider项目成员发布了适用于Windows 11系统的KB5040529 更新,在更新后用户版本号升至Build26100 ...
A Colorado Springs police officer at the annual Medal of Valor ceremony in September. The city police department has responded to several mass shootings in recent years, and many officers now ...
在这个被安迪·沃霍尔预言过“每个人都能出名15分钟”的自媒体时代,拍好一支vlog的含金量还在上升。 没有脚本,没有大起大落的情绪,人人都能拍vlog,但能拍好、拍出创意的不多。
在一众“AI+硬件”产品中,AI与AR眼镜的结合则被看作未来穿戴设备发展的重要趋势。近日,苹果、Meta等科技巨头加速布局AR眼镜的消息引发市场广泛 ...
古尔曼在发布会前更直言,市场期待已久的由iPhone 16引发的“超级周期”将不会到来。他指出,今秋新款iPhone的外观与前代机型几乎相同,这同样导致对消费者的吸引力大幅降低。换机热潮更有可能被明年发布的iPhone 17所带动,彼时AI功能将呈现出相对更完整的版本,并且新机型还可能拥有全新的外观。
时至今日,华为Pocket 2已经上市半年有余,收获了大量消费者的正向用机反馈和好评。 随着华为折叠屏产品线愈发丰富,同时产品迭代速度也逐渐恢复,近日华为正式开启先锋感恩回馈季,华为折叠家族多款产品如华为Pocket 2、华为Mate ...