亚马逊雨林,作为地球上最大的热带雨林,跨越多个南美国家,包括巴西、秘鲁、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔等。它被称为“地球的绿肺”,因为它对全球气候和生态系统发挥着至关重要的作用。雨林拥有极其丰富的生物多样性,包括数千种植物和动物,以及独特的生态系统,使其成为自然爱好者和探险者的天堂。 Introduction The Amazon Rainforest, as the largest tropical rai ...
This article explores how innovative technologies—such as interactive 3D mapping, augmented reality (AR), and immersive media ...
Ticks, tarantulas and unchartered territory, oh my! A UK explorer has discovered the source of an uncharted Amazon river and ...
Mapping 70 km of flora and fauna on an 8-day boat journey from the Jordan to the Dead Sea with a team of officers.
British explorer Ash Dykes discovered the source of an uncharted Amazon river, after being stalked by jaguar and army ants in ...
Ash Dykes, originally from St Asaph, north Wales, and his other explorers discovered the start of the Coppename River in ...
Shutterstock Photo Venturing into the Amazon Rainforest is a difficult enough task on its own, but venturing into new and ...
Only the youngest and strongest villagers now brave the crossing of a vast, blistering stretch of sand where, in normal times, the waters of the mighty Madeira River flow in the Brazilian Amazon.
Watch as a British explorer locates the source of an uncharted Amazon river, after battling 300 ticks and army ants, goliath tarantulas (the world’s largest spider), snakes, alligators and even ...