Since the establishment of FOCAC, he said, China has helped Africa to build and upgrade almost 100,000 kilometers of roads, more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 1,000 bridges and almost 100 ...
The first thing that caught my eye was a new energy vehicle (NEV) adorned with a "Yak Travel" logo in both Tibetan and Mandarin, featuring the image of a running yak. I was told "Yak Travel" is a ...
由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let’s Meet》第35期特别节目《拓展机遇之路 共享美好未来》(上)于9月7日在重庆卫视播出。The first all-English international broadcast ...
(槟城9日讯)上诉庭3名法官于9月6日驳回上诉方(GTM Land & Property Sdn. Bhd.)的2个上诉案,一致裁定维持槟城高等法庭的判决,即GTM Land & Property Sdn. Bhd.必须偿还原告(Global ...
The hook, as you may guess, refers to the hook anglers use to catch fish with. An angler, you see, put a little piece of meat ...
编者按:清华大学战略与安全中心研究员周波在South China Morning Post(《南华早报》)上发文回应New York ...
A team of Chinese scientists crafted a super intravital microscope that is capable of seeing clearly the entire ...
爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh ...