For the first time, researchers have measured how energy forms different wave patterns in the cell’s outer membrane and its ...
Our cells harness energy for essential functions such as division, wound healing, and our immune response to diseases ...
神外前沿讯,8月29日,陆军军医大学新桥医院神经外科张生家教授团队,在国际顶尖期刊《Advanced Science》(影响因子14.3)发表了题为《Intrinsic Bipolar Head-Direction Cells in the ...
A month-long study of a man's brain revealed that its volume consistently shrunk over the course of each day and then reset ...
近日,复旦大学脑科学研究院的解云礼团队在权威期刊The EMBO Journal发表了题为 “Astrocyte allocation during brain development is controlled by Tcf4-mediated fate restriction (转录因子TCF4介导的细胞命运决定调控星形胶质细胞在大脑皮层中的分布机制)” 的文章 ...
The group of Jürgen Knoblich at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has ...
The superior colliculus is a midbrain region that is traditionally thought to help animals orient themselves toward important locations in space, like directing their eyes and head toward a bright ...
Neural focuses on guitar amp and drive pedal capturing with its second piece of hardware – but does it get the recipe right?
A team of Chinese scientists crafted a super intravital microscope that is capable of seeing clearly the entire ...
加氢站的缺乏被广泛认为是最大障碍,因为它的建造成本很高。与此同时,市场中也没有足够的燃料电池汽车支撑这些加氢站实现盈利。就连全球氢燃料电池汽车应用程度最高的加州也只有几十座加氢站。根据加州燃料电池合作伙伴联盟(The California Fuel Cell Partnership,CaFCP)2019年8月29日更新的数据,加州仅有40座加氢站可供使用。
Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Dynamical Neuroscience, University of California, Santa Barbara Although grid cells are one of the most well studied functional classes of neurons in the ...