India's impending $3.9 billion purchase of 31 MQ-9B Predator drones from the US aims to boost its intelligence and ...
The shocking film was aired on CCTV, China’s state television, as part of a documentary series ‘Quenching’ on Monday night, ...
As "China Travel" has surged to be a hot global social media topic, demand for inbound tourism to China has increased ...
Experts suggest that a layered defense, including electronic jamming, surface-to-air missiles, and lasers, may be needed to ...
SHANGHAI: Malaysia and China are exploring new areas of cooperation in the manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that ...
How to curb and counter China’s influence and power — through its biotech companies, drones and electric vehicles — will ...
Lawmakers took up more than two dozen mostly Republican-led measures aimed at countering Beijing’s technological, political ...
China’s government wants what it calls the “low-altitude economy” — comprising commercial flights below 1,000 meters, in most ...
Malaysia is advancing in the field of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology through a collaborative effort with China, ...
The bill, one of several measures aimed at China, would prohibit the remote control devices from using American ...
宜兰南方澳贼仔澳沙滩昨(16日)晚1名钓客疑似失联,海巡署第一(宜兰)巡防区指挥部接获通报后立即前往救援,救难人员抵达现场,无发现失联人员相关物品,考量夜间及间歇大雨无法有效搜寻,今(17日)上午6时许偕同南方澳消防分队实施岸际协寻,另使用空侦机与U ...
BANGKOK--China will ban the export of all unregulated civilian drones that can be used for military purposes or in terrorist activities and restrict certain drone features as Beijing faces ...