Demand for live goats in Kathmandu Valley estimated to exceed 70,000 heads this festival, on par with pre-Covid period.
Although prices are stable in India, Nepal’s main supplier, opportunistic traders are exploiting weak market monitoring.
加德满都(Kathmandu),尼泊尔的首都和最大城市,位于喜马拉雅山脉的山谷中。这座城市是尼泊尔的文化、和历史中心,拥有丰富的历史遗迹、古老的、宏伟的宫殿和充满活力的市场。作为一个重要的圣地,加德满都吸引着大量的朝圣者和游客。城市内的古老建筑和独特 ...
中秋是中国的传统节日,它在农历八月十五日庆祝,象征着团圆和丰收。中秋节有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化内涵,自古以来就是中国人心中重要的节日之一。在这一天,无论人们身处何方,都会尽可能地回到家中与家人团聚,共享天伦之乐。除了家人团聚,中秋节还有赏月、吃月饼 ...
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Stories about women of Nepali heritage in Australia who are about to become parents. Get the latest with our exclusive in-language podcasts on your favourite podcast apps.
People transport a mountain goat locally known as 'Chyangra' at the Dashain Market in Pokhara, Nepal, 20 October 2023, with Mt. Machapuchre in the background. Farmers from the high Himalayas of ...
Nepal on Monday honoured 504 young girls under the age of 12 as part of an annual ritual believed to ward off bad luck and ...
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