More than 100 Niagara Falls neighbors voiced their concerns about rats running through the city at a community forum Wednesday night.
The Y chromosome, critical for male sex determination, has been losing genetic material and might vanish in the future.
Climate change and a lack of predators has moved capybaras into suburbs and gardens. Are they pests or heroes?
Genetic tracing at the Huanan Seafood Market supports hypothesis that the COVID pandemic spread from animals there.
Many of these life-forms do have biorhythms, synchronised to stimuli other than light. Naked mole rats spend their entire ...
Amino acid scores have become very popular protein quality scores since their definition and recommendation by FAO expert ...
Rat and human lives have long intersected, but there’s little relatively little research about them. Thanks to advances in ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
无可争辩的是,镜像神经元领域内这样一种渐进综合的趋势已经不可阻挡。 按照Web of ...