Professor Rebecca Goss More than 90% of pharmaceuticals are manufactured using a process called halogenation which bonds carbon to a halogen (typically chlorine, bromine or iodine) – called a C–X bond ...
Inhaled anesthetic agents include nitrous oxide (the oldest of all anesthetics) and various halogenated agents: desflurane (halogenated solely with fluorine halogenation increases potency and is ...
Pyrroles are an important scaffold in medicinal chemistry with various bioactivities; however, the selective chemical halogenation of pyrroles remains challenging. Here, the authors develop an ...
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Alkanes - Nomenclature, isomerism, conformation (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation, combustion and ...
Awarded for the design, development and application of targeted therapeutics including small molecule-based RNA degradation and conditional activation of chemotherapeutics. The Bernardes group bridges ...