This article was originally published with the title “ Tektites and Impact Fragments from the Moon ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 210 No. 2 (February 1964), p. 50 doi:10.1038 ...
In the same layer, known as the K-Pg Boundary, geologists would find tektites — bits of earth that shot into space when the asteroid hit, turned glassy with the heat of the atmosphere ...
Chicxulub ejecta (microtektites, impact-melt glass) is found at the site within the event deposit that is capped with an iridium-rich impactite revealing that ... but also contains ejecta tektites ...
The Earth is already fifty million times older than you or I are ever likely to be—and yet, given some sandstone and granite, some tektites and tuff, some fragments of flint and crystals of ...