近期,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所陈洪松团队在植物学期刊Plant Cell &Environment在线发表了题为Species-specific root distribution and leaf iso/anisohydric tendencies shape transpiration patterns across heterogeneous karst habitats的研究性论文 ...
该项研究近期以Quantitatively distinguishing the factors driving runoff and sediment yield variations in karst watersheds发表在水文学领域一区期刊Water Resources Research上 ...
Longnan City in Northwest China's Gansu Province is a city of a unique contrast: to northern Chinese, it embodies the gentle and soft qualities of the Southern cities, while to southern Chinese, it re ...
越南文化体育与旅游部旅游发展研究院于9月10日在河内举行“越南洞穴旅游发展”的学术研讨会。 韩松洞。图自越通社 越通社河内——越南文化体育与旅游部旅游发展研究院于9月10日在河内举行“越南洞穴旅游发展”的学术研讨会。