The Church inside prison is a vibrant expression of His Body that’s just as vital as the churches in our own communities.
Julia Walsh's spiritual memoir, For Love of the Broken Body, is a raw account of her early years preparing to become a ...
John 13:13 To have a master and to be mastered aren’t the same thing. To have Jesus as a master means that there is someone who knows me better than I know myself, someone who is closer than a friend, ...
The Cathedral of St. Thomas More is a symbol of unity for our diocese and represents a home for all the faithful.
The Bible’s penultimate verse, prophesying the return of Jesus Christ, has always fascinated ... to produce images that illustrate the human longing for faith, meaning, and salvation.
But some Christians were seeking a more countercultural approach to the holiday that would refocus attention on our own death and resurrection in Christ as well as our expectant longing for the ...
Linking several genres in a surprising and successful way Yang Lins fiction feature debut is an Asian ghost story in which documentary scenes show how incongruous todays reality can look in China ...
The caliber of Youth for Christ workers has become higher. “Anyone can work in Youth for Christ!” is no longer an accurate statement. The International Directors’ School, held twice annually ...
In his message for the 39th World Youth Day, Pope Francis called on young people to view life as a pilgrimage, urging them to ...
For most of my adolescent and adult dating life, I longed, sometimes obsessively, for someone to want me back. I would waste time and energy fantasizing about relationships with men who I ...
Loving Mary ardently, the Theotokos and Virgin, thou didst keep thy maidenhood all uncorrupted and spotless; smitten in thy heart with longing for thy divine Lord, thou didst strive even to death with ...
HELSINKI — Around 300 Catholic and Orthodox faithful gathered in the capital of the predominantly Lutheran country of Finland ...