Scientists have found the best evidence to date for a rocky planet atmosphere outside our solar ... likely to be molten — a ...
And the researchers decided, well, what would the chemistry in the atmosphere look like if, instead of liquid water oceans, we had these magma oceans? And they found out that it would pretty much look ...
When you walk across your lawn or down the street, you move on the surface of a surprisingly layered world. Some of those ...
The moon was once engulfed by a massive magma ocean, analysis of geological samples collected by India's Chandrayaan-3 ...
Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope may have detected an atmosphere around an exoplanet—a planet that orbits ... with a likely sea of liquid magma. Unlike anything we have in our ...
It’s possible that patterns of internal magma flow ... burn up in the atmosphere, crash on the surface, or die prematurely. Perhaps humans will one day join robots on the red planet.
Currents of magma within our planet move the plates that form the ... weather and climate by creating temperature gradients in the atmosphere and oceans. The sun's rays provide both light and ...
In addition to boasting a "magma ocean," the Moon was likely formed after an ancient planet smashed into Earth ... collect information about the Moon's atmosphere. Thanks to the miraculous ...
This discovery adds to the possibility of crystalline clouds in a planet's atmosphere ... is likely covered in an ocean of magma, with "snowflakes" composed of iron-, sodium-, magnesium- and ...
Magma ocean planets that contain water – like the earthlike exoplanet GJ 1214 b in this artist’s concept – will only host a tiny fraction of this water on their surface. The majority of it ...
The key to this discovery lies in the way water interacts with oceans of molten magma and how these, in turn, affect the internal chemistry of the planets. A new perspective on water on the planets ...