蝴蝶是美丽的昆虫,在世界各地栖息的蝴蝶达几千种,它们的翅膀上有着大自然赋予的最美设计。蝴蝶有许多种类的学名或俗名都来源于神话传说中神的名字,那么这些昆虫到底有什么特别之处,才能让它们以神为名? 来自希腊词“Morph”,为美神维纳斯的名字,意味着美丽 ...
Gleaming in the air, the iridescent blue morpho protects itself from predators using the power of light. Native to the rainforests of Mexico, Central America and South America, this bright blue ...
When our first batch of blue morpho butterflies began to emerge from their chrysalises in 2015, we were there to catch the process on film. Each individual butterfly takes only one or two minutes to ...
蝴蝶與飛蛾提供了很多微小構造的應用靈感 ... encountering amazing butterfly species. Like the iconic Morpho: the study of its iridescent blue wing reveals a way to produce structural color. Its nanostructures have ...
蝴蝶與飛蛾提供了很多微小構造的應用靈感 ... encountering amazing butterfly species. Like the iconic Morpho: the study of its iridescent blue wing reveals a way to produce structural color. Its nanostructures have ...
The market will allow for the collateralization of and borrowing against Centrifuge’s Anemoy fund, tokenized T-bills from Midas and Hashnote’s U.S. Yield Coin. It’s the first time a ...
當俄羅斯在2022年2月入侵烏克蘭時,印度蘇拉特的居民無法想像,一場發生在數千里之外的戰爭竟會導致他們社區內出現自殺問題。 蘇拉特是位於 ...
ELLE : 作为一名制片人和导演,你曾在2021年执导过一部原创中文戏剧《蝴蝶从这飞起来》(Here's a blue morpho for you)。这次在《异形:夺命舰》中与更大的制作团队合作,你有什么不同的经历或 ...