杨冰表示,大数据和数据库企业得益于互联网与云的机遇,迅速崛起,期间聚焦于解决分布式系统带来的扩展性和复杂性挑战。AI时代,CIO的关注点已不再局限于这一难题,而是聚焦于如何让应用和业务实现更好的交互,如何挖掘数据价值,实现更精准洞察。从技术架构角度, ...
据悉华为云Flexus云服务器X实例以创新的、更加贴合业务应用实际需求的柔性算力,随心配比CPU和内存,让算力资源更贴合业务应用需求;结合X-Turbo加速、大模型底层智能调度等黑科技,相较于业界同规格独享型实例,Flexus ...
开源关系数据库MariaDB 已被私人投资公司 K1 Investment Management 收购。MariaDB作为上市公司的时间很短,于 2022 年 12 月通过特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)上市,到今天被收购,不到2年时间。
Cloud computing is a big market. According to global analyst firm IDC, the market for public cloud services worldwide is due ...
Percona, a global leader in enterprise-grade open source database software and services, today announced that its groundbreaking new database platform, Percona Everest, is now generally available to ...
万事达卡宣布已从私募股权公司Insight Partners手中以26.5亿美元收购威胁情报公司Recorded Future,旨在提升其在支付生态系统及更广泛领域的欺诈预防、实时决策和网络安全服务能力。Recorded ...
MariaDB's short-lived tenure as a public company is all but over, as the struggling database business is now fully under the ...
The Groundwater Circulation Well Monitoring and Remediation Visualization System utilizes Vue as the application platform and is written in JavaScript. Its functionalities are primarily divided into ...
Percona Everest, an open-source cloud-native database platform, promises to break away from traditional ...
Now generally available, the open source cloud-native database platform enables automated provisioning and management of multiple databases across ...