引言:李嘉诚,这位商界巨擘的名字,如同一座熠熠生辉的灯塔,照亮了无数投资者的前行之路。近日,92岁高龄的李嘉诚先生在长江集团周年晚会上罕见公开露面,引发了社会各界的广泛关注。人们不仅聚焦于他矍铄的精神状态与与媒体的互动,更对他及旗下公司在内地的投资动态充满了好奇。李泽钜,作为长江集团现任掌门人,也在晚宴上发表了对香港与内地经济前景的看法,为这场热议增添了更多深度与内涵。本文将深入剖析李嘉诚父子的公 ...
Guangdong has established1,361 nature reserves, the highest number in China. Over the past four years, over 60 new species ...
The Basement x New Balance 1906R 全新联名鞋款「Day Chrome」将于 9 月 22 日发售,另一款配色「Night Chrome」则会于 9 月 29 日推出,有兴趣的读者不妨留意后续报导。
The 2024 Head of Shanghai River Regatta will once again bring together international teams and rowers on the iconic Suzhou ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...
编者按:清华大学战略与安全中心研究员周波在South China Morning Post(《南华早报》)上发文回应New York ...
At a dance studio in Beijing, B-Girl Wang Yufan moved effortlessly to a pulsating beat, her fluid movements and sharp spins ...
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China has made remarkable strides in energy development over the past 75 years, deepening its ...
Top executives from more than 20 leading multinationals and guest speakers gathered again this morning as the 36th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC) ...
Henan's economy maintained a steady and positive trend in August, with major economic indicators such as industry, investment and consumption showing accelerated growth compared to the figures in July ...
In Hengqin, you'd be amazed by how much can be accomplished in the time it takes to listen to a song. 20 seconds for seamless ...
A new TIR assembly center, certified by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), began operation on September 20 in Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone, which is located in Zhengzhou ...