导读:“环状RNA在药物开发与应用中的优势和潜力在近年来已经逐渐受到行业关注,无论是单独成药亦或是优化CGT药物,都具有广阔的市场前景,被认为能够引领mRNA2.0时代浪潮。尽管目前环状RNA仍处于早期研发阶段,但国内外已有越来越多的企业开始布局这一赛道。” 近日,艾博生物在Nucleic Acids Research发布了其自主研发的环状RNA制备系统——Cis系统引起了行业关注。这一全新的环状 ...
研究人员发现,很多短非编码RNAs此前并未进行过测序,而且其中很多RNAs都能激活宿主机体的免疫系统,这些研究发现不仅揭示了小非编码RNAs如何驱动免疫系统对诸如结核病等感染产生反应,而且还能为评估机体免疫反应的严重程度提供潜在的治疗性靶点和生物标志 ...
为了揭示RPL22发挥作用的分子机制,研究人员首先通过SUnSET实验发现敲除RPL22的人间充质祖细胞的整体翻译水平并没有发生明显变化;随后通过构建缺失核糖体功能的RPL22突变体,发现其仍可以显著促进人间充质祖细胞的衰老,提示RPL22的促衰老能 ...
蛋白质乙酰化 作为一种重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰参与多种生理过程,因此在植物生长发育及环境适应中发挥着重要调控作用。蛋白质乙酰化修饰机制和生物学功能的解析可为作物育种及改良提供新的思路和方法。
A researcher in Purdue University’s College of Science is developing a patent-pending platform technology that mimics the ...
Exosomes is the new buzzwork in the beauty space, lauded for its ability to diminish the appearance of fine line and wrinkles ...
Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).
Diabetes, a widespread condition affecting approximately 13% of American adults, is often accompanied by complications such ...
近日,中山大学材料科学与工程学院陈永明、刘利新教授团队在国际上第一次阐明了聚合多肽抑制NA激活TLR9的机制,原创性研究论文以 “Synthetic polypeptides inhibit nucleic acid-induced inflammation in autoimmune diseases by disrupting multivalent TLR9 binding to ...
Exicure, Inc. (“Exicure” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: XCUR), announced today that on September 17, 2024, the Company received ...
Thanks to a serendipitous discovery and a lot of painstaking work, scientists can now build biohybrid molecules that combine ...
Six individuals have received this year's Lasker Awards in the areas of basic research, clinical research, and public service ...