近日,昆明植物园喜事连连,继银缕梅Parrotia subaequalis和天目铁木Ostrya rehderiana首次开花后,又喜添一种首次开花的极小种群野生植物。这个预示着迁 ...
From luxury scarves and practical gloves to interesting socks, these are the practical yet stylish details that will finish ...
They also supported the recovery of an endangered tree species endemic to Zhejiang province, Ostrya rehderiana, and reintroduced Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) to a Shanghai wildlife ...
Three grains of Ostrya carpinifolia (Hophornbeam) pollen magnified 1600x. The majority of the pollen came from the hop hornbeam tree, which grows in a warm environment. As soon as Oeggl recognized ...
Amur maackia has a vase shape with rounded crown. The compound leaves lend a fine-textured and airy appearance to the tree ...
6. That the alders in general present the aggregate condition either normally developed or in a state of reduction. 7. That in the higher members of the Betulaceae (Carpinus, Ostrya and Betula) the ...
European Journal of Taxonomy, doi: 10.5852/ejt.2018.409 Holstein N, Weigend M (null) No taxon left behind? – a critical taxonomic checklist of Carpinus and Ostrya (Coryloideae, Betulaceae). European ...