Not only is a new DSLR on its way, but it apparently has a 61MP image sensor along with built-in GPS and Astrotracer ...
The Pentax K-S2 is a camera without a direct predecessor, but one that builds on the company's heritage of impressively-specified mid-range cameras at an affordable price-tag that's well-below US ...
Pentax just keeps hitting the nail on the head when it comes to the maverick ideas the company is making. Who would have ...
And if it created a full-frame camera, would Pentax be able to repeat its success in the sub-frame segment of the DSLR market, where its flagship K-7, K-5 and K-3-series cameras have rightly ...
The EB-1570K Video Bronchoscope features ergonomically positioned suction valves and angulation levers, optimized for balance and ease of operation. The simple one-component valves, available in ...
While the Pentax 17 uses manual film advancement and zone focusing, the compact film camera blends vintage-inspired features ...
Pentax has released a new hotshoe flashgun for use on its DSLR cameras and on Ricoh GR compacts. With a guide number of just ...
As the brand's first film camera in 20 years, the Pentax 17 is a mishmash of old and new -- and that's a great thing.
宾得相机的市场占有率不高,现时主力专注单反相机、胶片相机,以及四防相机等市场,不过品牌的坚持和独特性,一直有忠实支持者捧场,而 Pentax 17胶片机的出现,或者会让更多人尝试接触和理解宾得的理念。据了解,宾得快将带来新款旗舰单反K-1 Mark ...
Pentax Rumors刊登了理光新全幅单反“宾得K-1 Mark III”规格传闻。 这是关于宾得新型相机K-1 Mark III的传闻: - 索尼制造的新型全幅传感器。原型机配备了3款不同的传感器,应该是6100万像素 BSI CMOS传感器。
"Drop a jeans size in 2 weeks." It sounds too good to be true. But according to the Special K Challenge, you could lose up to 6 pounds in 14 days if you eat cereal or other Special K products for ...
The EB-1170K Video Bronchoscope features ergonomically positioned suction valves and angulation levers, optimized for balance and ease of operation. The simple one-component valves, available in ...