It featured at the foot of the company's Mechazilla launch tower. The new SpaceX logo which appeared online last week The club's first reaction to the similarities was a post on Thursday which ...
周四,一个开创性的私人团队完成了首次商业平民太空行走,创造了历史,美国宇航局称赞这是太空工业的“巨大飞跃”。由金融科技亿万富翁贾里德·艾萨曼领导的SpaceX“北极星黎明”任务于周二在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心发射,这是自阿波罗时代以来半个世纪以来人类 ...
The FAA proposed fines for SpaceX, saying it violated launch licenses, and Elon Musk isn't happy.
SpaceX is resisting the imposition of fines by the US aviation regulator. The aerospace company accuses the authority of ...
在科技飞速发展的今天,人工智能(AI)继续引领行业创新浪潮。近日,OpenAI发布了其最新模型o1,该模型在数理化领域的能力达到博士生水平,令人瞩目。同时,SpaceX完成了其“北极星黎明”任务的首次商业太空行走,载人航天和AI技术的结合将进一步推动 ...
The satellite internet arm of Elon Musk’s space company is pushing into the in-flight connectivity, or IFC, market.
Flagler County Fire Rescue implements new protocols in response to sex crime allegations of former paramedic FILE - The ...
美国东部时间9月10日,太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的“北极星黎明”任务正式启动,“猎鹰9号”火箭在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心(KSC)成功发射。随后在美国东部时间9月12日SpaceX方面宣布,“北极星黎明”的 ...
和他一起执行飞行任务的是SpaceX的两位首席工程师萨拉 ... ·波提特(Scott “Kidd” Poteet)。这次任务的标志性时刻将出现在飞行的第三天,届时艾 ...
United Airlines said Friday that it plans to offer inflight Wi-Fi for free using Starlink from Elon Musk’s SpaceX on its ...
Thanks to a corporate challenge to the National Labor Relations Board’s constitutionality, labor protections for tens of ...