14. The wounds caused by the splitting of the lamina, and the dying off of the margin, are closed by the suberization of pre-existing cells. 15. The marginal bundles of the lamina become the most ...
Approximately 20% of irrigated land has salt-affected soil, equivalent to the area used to produce one-third of the worlds’ food. Salinization and sodification are major soil degrading processes that ...
Efficient uptake of nutrients in both animal and plant cells requires tissue-spanning diffusion barriers separating inner tissues from the outer lumen/soil. However, we poorly understand how such ...
Vert, G., M. Barberon, E. Zelazny, M. Séguéla, J.-F. Briat and C. Curie (2009). "Arabidopsis IRT2 cooperates with the high-affinity iron uptake system to maintain ...
Since silicon (Si) was found to be effective in crop production recently, more information is needed about its characteristics, including how it functions as a nano fertilizer for crop performance.