Failure to fund education in taxonomy could derail efforts to support conservation in low- and middle-income countries.
Accurate identification and classification of fungi in Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes are crucial due to their significant roles in ecosystems, ranging from organic matter decomposition to symbiotic ...
Founded in 1994, the Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group is dedicated to the study and classification of plastic bread tags.
1. Build assignments that ask students to personalize their work, drawing from local context and/or personal experiences.
MUMBAI: The work to frame a taxonomy framework for climate finance has already started, and we hope to have that in place ...
We may agree that democracy is in crisis, but there’s no consensus on what that means. A new report from World in 2050 relies ...
The published version of Forbes' Future of Work newsletter delivers the latest news for chief human resources officers and ...
Michael Jongeneel, CEO of Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden, talk about Nepal’s sustainable banking ...
Pradip Kumar Das, chairman of IREDA, proposes a green bond taxonomy for the renewable energy sector to monetize funded ...
The workshop equipped faculty members with the necessary skills to design test papers and assessments that are effective and ...
New taxonomy of termites highlights their role as ecosystem engineers and provides a clearer picture of their evolutionary ...