swmail.sw.org) Generalised weakness is a common complaint. A case is presented of toluene induced hypokalaemia in a 22 year old woman who presented with generalised weakness. The effect of toluene and ...
We previously showed that the rate-limiting and first oxygen-dependent enzyme of the committed cholesterol synthesis pathway, squalene monooxygenase (SM), can undergo partial proteasomal degradation ...
To understand patterns of geochemical cycling in pristine versus contaminated groundwater ecosystems, pristine shallow groundwater (FW301) and contaminated groundwater (FW106) samples from the Oak ...
Tin, T. Fleming, Z.L. Hughes, K.A. Ainley, D.G. Convey, P. Moreno, C.A. Pfeiffer, S. Scott, J. and Snape, I. 2009. Impacts of local human activities on the Antarctic ...