1. Animal Liver and Kidneys: These are some of the most concentrated sources of B12. Even small portions provide more than ...
? 患心血管疾病的发生风险: 缺乏维生素B12会导致体内同型半胱氨酸水平上升,增加高血压等心血管疾病的发生风险,表现为胸痛、心悸、气促以及心律失常等。 ? 消化系统问题: 长期缺乏维生素B12会导致消化不良、腹胀、腹泻等胃肠道问题出现。
67岁王叔在30年前曾受过脑外伤,命救了回来,但也留下四肢不同程度无力的后遗症,但好在生活尚可自理。2016年,王叔发现自己四肢无力情况加重,但以为只是脑外伤后遗症,所以没有重视。 直到2017年9月,王叔双下肢逐渐僵硬,无法正常坐起和行走,长期卧床也让他脾气越发暴躁,虽进行相关治疗,但症状并无改善。 随后,王叔转至市里的三甲医院治疗,医生检查根据王叔的症状,判断是 ...
Vitamin B12 deficiency makes the body a home for diseases. Alzheimer's disease, anaemia and bone-related diseases start ...
Vitamin B is essential for maintaining optimal brain function Read on to know whether vitamin B deficiency can cause ...
Experiencing fatigue might signal low vitamin B12 levels. Vital for nerve function and red blood cell formation, this ...
There are several signs that could indicate a deficiency in vitamin B12, one of which is a tingling sensation in the feet.
A tingling sensation in the feet could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, according to research from the University of ...
Dec. 5, 2023 — Pregnant women eating modern diets are missing key nutrients needed for them and their babies, and this could get worse with the move to plant-based foods. Scientists surveying ...
The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) was commissioned by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) to ...