(纽约27日讯)知情人士消息指出,近日遭到兴登堡研究(Hindenburg Research)指控,受惠于人工智能的伺服器生产商美超微(Super Micro Computer)涉及“会计违规”(accounting irregularities)后 ...
9月26日周四美股午盘前,据华尔街日报独家报道,在兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)发布了做空报告之后,美国司法部正调查“AI妖股”、服务器制造商超微电脑,调查处于初步阶段。 这一消息令超微电脑短线跳水,由盘初涨5.7%迅速转跌 ...
The US Department of Justice is probing Super Micro Computer for alleged accounting irregularities reported by Hindenburg ...
When our analyst team has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, Motley Fool Stock Advisor’s total average return is ...
Recently, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) began investigating Super Micro Computer, which is one of the leaders in the US ...
但也有分析人士认为,超微电脑财务暴雷的风险可能被夸大。机构Loop ...
伺服器大厂美超微(Super Micro Computer)此前遭兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)盯上,称其有「明显的会计操纵问题」,28日再被爆目前正在接受司法部调查,盘中股价急泻,亦拖累辉达股价短线跳水。美超微以 ...
Super Micro Computer (SMCI) is reportedly under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice following serious allegations ...
Activist shareholder and billionaire Carl Icahn was taking somewhat of a victory lap Monday, after a judge dismissed a ...
Nvidias third-largest partner, Super Micro Computer, is now under investigation by the Department of Justice after Hindenburg ...
据《华尔街日报》引述知情人士消息称,美国司法部正在调查人工智慧伺服器制造商超微电脑(SMCI.US),导致其股价逆市下挫13%。 本月较早前,超微电脑否认了沽空机构兴登堡研究(Hindenburg ...
Alleging that there are many corrupt people in the BJP, he asked the prime minister to correct things within his party first ...