Hans Breitenmoser believes that regardless of a farmer’s political affiliation, everything comes down to the weather.
Snapshot: Texas farmers face lawsuits over PFAS contamination from biosolid fertilizers, potentially poisoning their land and ...
The average American dairy turned a profit only three times in the past 20 years. In one of those instances, dairy farmers ...
A tractor tows a planter down the road during spring planting near Mansfield, Illinois. photo by Darrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting John Deere, the major farm equipment ...
After decades of lax oversight, the EPA has suspended re-registration for DCPA, a herbicide tied to lifelong health risks, ...
*Labor disruption claims: Allies of former President Donald Trump have said his hard-line immigration policies would be a “labor-market disruption celebrated by American workers.” Studies show ...
Tyson Foods annual sales have doubled in the past two decades, increasing from $26 billion to $53 billion from 2004 to 2023, ...
For the third year in a row, extreme drought conditions in the Midwest are drawing down water levels on the Mississippi River, raising prices for companies that transport goods downstream and forcing ...
The number of organic farms in the country has declined by nearly 5% over the past five years, from 18,166 in 2017 to 17,321 ...