Starmer and Sarwar put their credibility on the line to get them elected. Now we can reveal the Scottish Labour MPs who ...
Read in full remarks by First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney at "For a Future Made in Scotland", the event marking ten ...
The 90th Annual National Conference of the SNP will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, from Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September 2024. SNP Conference is the perfect ...
One of the very first acts of the new SNP Government was to restore Scotland’s historic tradition of free education and scrap tuition fees. We have always maintained that access to education should be ...
Education is the best route there is to giving everyone a fair start in life. This must start with the very youngest children. We will complete the expansion of free, high quality childcare to 1,140 ...
In 2011 we set a target for 500 MW of electricity capacity to be in local and community ownership by 2020 – we have now surpassed that target. In fact, the number of projects has increased by 62 per ...
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
Scotland is leading the world on tackling the twin crises of climate change and ecological decline. We are proud to have the most ambitious legal framework for emissions reduction in the world, but ...
If you need the help of your SNP representatives in Holyrood or Westminster, you'll find your local MSP or MP here.
Labour is publicly laying the groundwork for another brutal round of austerity, the scale of which hasn’t been seen in the UK for more than a decade. With Westminster’s finances in tatters, Labour is ...
There will be a by-election in the Strathallan ward of Perth and Kinross Council ward on 26th September 2024. This by-election has been caused by the resignation of a Conservative councillor. Our ...