Our vision is for an equitable and thriving Aotearoa through learning. Using a Tiriti-led, co-design approach, we work government and non-government organisations, businesses, schools, kura, early ...
Learning is in our DNA. We start with listening to you so that we can deeply understand and get to the heart of your issue. We use our knowledge and expertise to co-design and test ideas for change ...
Impactful professional learning development with actionable outcomes for educators and businesses across Aotearoa.
Join Ruta McKenzie and Tutuila Lio Va’auli in a talanoa that explores Matariki from a Pacific peoples perspective.
Learner agency is about having the power, combined with choices, to take meaningful action and see the results of your decisions. Where we once considered the size of a computer’s hard drive on which ...
We are facing exponential change in all spheres of life. Whether it is digital disruption or structural changes, cultural paradigm shifts or more inclusive definitions of success – new ways of ...
“Having agency as a learner is now becoming a default expectation to meet learning needs." (21st Century Learning Reference Group [21st CLRG], 2014, p.36). Learner agency is about having the power, ...
How does the matrix help leaders? Whether you are redeveloping an existing centre, kura or school, or building a new facility, the Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) matrix provides a framework to ...
Businesses succeed when everyone feels confident to be themselves at work. How do you ensure that your workplace is equitable for your staff? He Waka Houkura offers that pathway - ours is a unique ...
Inventionator - What, Why and How? Suzi Gould from CORE discusses how iNVENTIONATOR works - co-creating solutions, connecting and collaborating with other ākonga. Connect with a problem that MATTERS ...
De-streaming may be disruptive for your community, so as you develop your equity roadmap there will be many questions to consider in the critical conversations that you have.