Correspondence to: Dr S Sadhra, Institute of Occupational Health, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 TT, UK; s.sadhra{at} Background: There is limited research concerning ...
Objectives Limited knowledge exists about day-to-day changes in physical and mental symptoms in warehouse and construction workers. This study investigated the associations between consecutive ...
Correspondence to Dr Ying Li, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Gothenburg, SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden;{at} Background Municipal drinking water contaminated with ...
3 Centre for Prevention and Health Services Research, Public Health and Health Services Division, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands 4 Institute for ...
1 Danish Ramazzini Centre, Department of Occupational Medicine, Herning Regional Hospital, Herning, Denmark 2 Danish Ramazzini Centre, Department of Occupational Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, ...
Objective The objective of our study was to examine whether occupational exposure to benzene is associated with lung cancer among males in the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Workers cohort. Methods ...
6 Department of Business and Management, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Correspondence to Simon Grandjean Bamberger, Department of Occupational Medicine, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University ...
The relation between the concentrations and characteristics of air contaminants in the work place and the resultant toxic doses and potential hazards after their inhalation depends greatly on their ...
OBJECTIVES To compare the relative effects on performance of sleep deprivation and alcohol. METHODS Performance effects were studied in the same subjects over a period of 28 hours of sleep deprivation ...
Correspondence to Professor Zuxun Lu, Social Medicine and Health Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, Wuhan 430030, China; zuxunlu{at}; Professor ...
Aims: To assess mortality and cancer morbidity in Canadian petroleum workers and explore exposure-response relations for specific petroleum agents. Methods: A total of 25 292 employees hired between ...