A first CH-4 combat drone system has been delivered to the DRC by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC). The batch, which includes three drones in addition to a ground station, is ...
The new trade counsellor at the French embassy in Tripoli, Jean-Louis Fontenille, won't suffer cultural shock in the byzantime atmosphere in Tripoli. He has just spent four years in Damascus and had ...
Despite having suffered setbacks in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 1997 and 2002, he has little by little established himself as one of the central figures in Kenyan political life.
A Belgian businessman who has worked with Algeria for 15 years, Ronny Stroobandt founded the non-profit organization Relal (Relations Algerie) to promote ties with Algeria in 1995 at the height of ...
Few wives of African heads of state succeed like Dominique Ouattara in establishing themselves as champions of humanitarian aid and entrepreneurs without the help of their husbands. Through these two ...
Now that its joint venture partnership with Toyota Tshusho Corp on the Achmach tin project in Morocco has been completed (talks are underway to finance construction of a mine) Kasbah Resources has ...
Katanga, Kipushi Corp still has to build a new exit road for its zinc production. But the planned route encroaches on a ...
On 9 September, Bugesera Airport Co (BAC), which is owned by state-owned Qatar Airways and by the Rwandan government, officially awarded the contract for the new Bugesera airport, located 50km south ...
Andry Rajoelina, who has been president of Madagascar's High Transitional Authority since March 2009, is Africa's youngest head of state. The controversial circumstances of his accession to high ...
The Tunisian government's deepening financial crisis has not entirely put the brakes on the armed forces' spending spree. According to sources in Tunis, the French missile manufacturer MBDA and ...