In general, you should name your jobs/services after the application signature (if possible), and name the configuration files accordingly (in each case without the "application/" prefix).
This paper presents the implementation of system calls in haiku, and especially on x86 systems. The system call mechanism is what allows user land code to communicate with kernel land code. The whole ...
Welcome to the Haiku installation guide! This document will help you install Haiku on your computer, guiding you through the Haiku installation one step at a time. Depending on your hardware ...
The fifth beta for Haiku R1 over a year and a half of hard work to improve Haiku’s hardware support and its overall stability, and to make lots more software ports available for use. Nearly 350 bugs ...
Since the introduction of package management you can update your system in place using the pkgman command or the SoftwareUpdater application. The update process is straightforward, requires an ...
This report covers hrev57901 through hrev58042. R1/beta5 was of course released just a few days ago, and many (though not all) of the changes in this report made it in to the release. madmax fixed a ...
Haiku's Boot Loader Options can help when you experience hardware related problems or want to choose which Haiku installation to start, if you have more than one (maybe on an installation CD or USB ...
Unless the system entered KDL by itself, you can normally do that by invoking the keyboard shortcut Alt-SysReq-D. Note that in KDL your keyboard may not work. PS/2 keyboards always do, USB keyboards ...
Here's a list of sites providing 3rd party software for Haiku. Some offer a direct download of HPKG packages or zip archives, others have a repository which you can add to Haiku with the "Repositories ...
Building Haiku from sources is a surprisingly simple process which allows developers to get started quickly developing on Haiku and allowing end users to experiment with the latest Haiku sources.
What is a Haiku Hybrid? Haiku hybrid images are Haiku releases which can compile and execute programs built for incompatible ABIs. This may mean different architectures like x86-64 and x86, or ...
Using a USB flash drive is one of the best ways to install Haiku. It is also the only way to really try and enjoy all the features of Haiku without touching your hard drives. The Haiku live CD is ...