When the Global Ikhwan scandal broke, some Malaysians assumed this was probably a one-off major scandal. A former victim ...
Who thinks that if religion is involved, then all is ok? When there is a lot of money to be made, the potential for cheating ...
Uncle Don taught me everything I wanted to know about riding & looking after horses, and more, like how to spot a good or bad ...
From the roaring tiger to a timid pussy. What has become of the DAP? Do you ever wonder why the DAP is silent on several issues now that they are … Continue Reading → ...
“Welcome to Afganu!” is the caption of the image below, on someone’s FB post. It is a hilarious image but it upset the Taliban inspired PAS youth of Terengganu. This month, two female Muslims ...
After Merdeka, some Umno nationalists used to tell ignorant Malaysians that if they spoke English, they were “unpatriotic”. This confused some Malays and in their state of confusion, some of them were ...
It is not a criticism of the poster and its good intentions, but the message does somewhat jar a bit. Do we really have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion? Think about it.
Guidelines for writing for www.mariammokhtar.com (Rebuilding Malaysia) and www.mm4.co, which is its sister website, in Malay. Please note that these websites are to provide a platform for intelligent ...