Franz Kline’s relationship with East Asian calligraphy is one of the most contested aspects of the interpretation of his oeuvre, with critics making comparisons between his work and Chinese or ...
Contemporary artists have extended the vocabulary of the sublime by looking back to earlier traditions and by engaging with aspects of modern society. They have located the sublime in not only the ...
Fig.2 John Constable The Cornfield 1826 National Gallery, London Born into a prosperous family in the village of East Bergholt, Suffolk, Constable’s early display of aptitude and passion for painting ...
In 1886 the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche declared the sublime out of date. A number of artists of early and mid-twentieth century continued to engage with concepts of the sublime, though often in ...
Robert Bevan and Stanislawa de Karlowska settle at 14 Adamson Road in the Swiss Cottage area of London. Albert Rutherston contributes two pictures to the New English Art Club and meets Walter Sickert ...
Suspended, collapsed, stacked, wrapped or folded, the works of Phyllida Barlow spring from an interrogation of some of the most fundamental aspects of sculpture: its physical attributes and its ...
Louise Nevelson once noted that ‘artists are born collectors’.1 The artist herself was a life-long collector and that pastime ultimately came to inform how she worked, culminating in her monumental ...
Developed as part of the Documentation and Conservation of Performance project, the Performance Specification is a document designed to capture written information ...
Jack Burnham’s systems aesthetics was one of the first, fully developed, critical theories of postformalist artistic practice. Yet Burnham, undeservedly, is little known today. Recovering, reprising ...
The work of Emila Medková (1928–1985) is a remarkable example of surrealist documentary photography. A central member of the post-war Czech surrealist group, her images focus on the 'concrete ...
At Tate St Ives, a ceramic sculpture by Lynda Benglis is now on display in a room exploring connections between spiritual ...
Joseph Beuys’s Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research (FIU), established in the early 1970s, stands at the beginning of a proliferation of artist-initiated ...