There’s nothing like having a hot cup of tea to jump-start your morning or a tall glass of iced tea to cool you off in the summertime. For more than 5,000 years, various peoples and cultures across ...
Beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber (SF) derived from several plant sources, have been postulated as having many therapeutic health benefits. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of ...
Why 'Yo-yo Dieting' May Lead to Weight Gain and Harm Cardiometabolic Health Weight cycling, repeated cycles of intentional weight loss and unintentional regain, is common among dieters. Also known as ...
News Significant Link Found Between Heme Iron, Found in Red Meat and Other Animal Products, and Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Higher intake of heme iron, the type found in red meat and ot ...
Research indicates fats in dairy foods don’t increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and may in fact benefit health. When asked about dairy recommendations for people aged 2 and older, most ...
Many of your clients and patients have heard the adage that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” but how many of them actually take it to heart? According to a survey conducted by the ...
Today's Dietitian is doing its part to push the fiber intake of Americans with its fabulous list of the highest fiber foods people should be eating today. Many areas of nutrition tend to elicit ...
Expert dietitians share their top 10 strategies for shedding unwanted pounds during this festive season. Many clients and patients have made great progress losing weight throughout the past year. Some ...
Bioactive compounds like polyphenols and their health benefits have long captured public attention and interest. Commonly present in plant-based food like fruits, vegetables, seeds, coffee, and tea, ...
You probably first heard the term “antinutrients” in a college nutrition course. You might have learned that these chemically active substances, often found in the leaves, roots, and seeds of a ...
The federal government has issued dietary recommendations in one form or another for more than 120 years. However, 1980 marked the inception of the modern Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) when ...