What is a native plant? A native plant is one that grows naturally in a specific region, ecosystem, or habitat, and has evolved over time to adapt to the climate, soil, and other native plants and ...
Friends of Rhinebeck Cemetery will seek a grant from Partners for Climate Action to clear invasive plants from a section of the cemetery. Cemetery Administrator Suzanne Kelly provided the update ...
Bee balm attracts valuable pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. It also adds stunning splashes of pink, red, violet, and ...
Warm-season lawns like Bermuda grass will soon be entering their dormant season, so bare patches should be covered with mulch to discourage winter weeds. Use spent vegetable plants and summer annuals ...
Although the Japanese barberry is a great choice for its low-maintenance nature, be careful with it, because it can outcompete native plants. The best places to get plants are your local nurseries, ...
So many places on Earth still remain a mystery to us, even after all this time — but researchers are often discovering new species. Better access to genetic testing, as well as technological ...
Another 20 species have been listed as threatened across Australia including the Gibraltar Range waratah, a relative of the NSW floral emblem. Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said invasive ...
Five seabird species have been added to the UK red list of birds at most need of conservation, joining others such as the puffin. The new entries include the Arctic tern, known for its incredible ...
Aotearoa New Zealand's true ancient species are animals like Kākāpō, small wrens, bats and freshwater limpets, not recent Aussie immigrants like kiwi, moa and takahē. This is the conclusion ...
We could now formally name and describe the new species of pāua from the Three Kings Islands/Manawatāwhi. The scientific name of the Manawatāwhi pāua, Haliotis pirimoana, was proposed by ...
Richard Gregory does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations ...
An international team of researchers delved into museum collections and discovered new species of sponge-associated zoantharian, a small colonial organism similar to anemones. Dr. Javier ...