and among the talks you could find her in-depth description of how she created it by hacking a 1980s Brother knitting machine into a network printer. Finally she moves on to the Knitted Universe ...
What do you do when the manuscript you FedExed to your editor is missing a page? Fax it. Fax machines provide users with a lowest-common-denominator way to transmit documents when fancier ...
起初此梗在LPL是用来调侃,当JDG取得成绩时,JKL想去JDG。并且当初JKL打得很水,被网友戏称叫阿水,但后来阿水在职业比赛里面打出名声了,大家才 ...
Internet 技术正在动摇商业化的全球通信模式,这种动摇的结果包括一种全新的统一消息结构,这种统一消息结构使得使用单一的一种数据网络结构就 ...
现旅居美国的中国知名当代艺术家高氏兄弟中的哥哥、现年68岁的高兟,惊传回中国探亲时遭到逮捕。高氏兄弟曾创作毛泽东下跪忏悔雕像等触及 ...
If you think your new iPhone is a status symbol, prepare to be punked—or, rather, Punkt—by Benjamin Crudo’s dumbphone. The chief executive of Diff, which makes software for online retailers ...
The fax machine is about to be pushed closer to the dustbin of history. The device - formally known as a facsimile machine - was once a regular feature of British offices. But now the UK's ...
Which brings me to Lynton’s love of fax machines. Pause for a moment to appreciate the irony of a man who chairs the board of Snap—maker of a mobile app for trading disappearing messages ...
曾经“行人路过,没有好衣裤”的“烂泥渡路”,如今是上海浦东陆家嘴金融城核心区的“银城中路”;曾经锈迹斑斑、老厂房遍布的杨浦“工业锈带”,如今成为市民游客亲水休憩的“生活秀带”;被誉为“上海之根”的松江跳动着科技创新的脉搏,长三角G60 ...
"It does seem very outdated." And Joseph Vincent, from Macclesfield, said he still uses his fax machine to communicate with his brother, who lives in a remote part of Scotland. "The internet is ...
THE WRIGHT BROTHERS' FLYING-MACHINE. I shall have to apologize a little, friends, for giving a picture of the gliding-machine instead of a flying-machine; and I shall have to apologize a little ...