作为美式SUV的经典代表,凯迪拉克XT5在入华这么多年也积累起了自己的口碑和消费群体,不过面对新能源车来势汹汹,凯迪拉克也加快了电气化转型以及新车的更迭,近期全新凯迪拉克XT5正式上市,并发布了三款配置,官方指导价39.99—45.99万,不过目前厂 ...
PoloTo' is a distinctively-named automotive news video channel on YouTube - and they also share visions of new models that ...
始建于1901年的缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园,一直被视为北大西洋海岸的皇冠,而459米的凯迪拉克山,就是皇冠上那颗最大的宝石。它的名字来源于法国探险家亚历山大-凯迪拉克率队的首次涉足,而作为美国东部沿岸的最高峰,当你站在凯迪拉克山顶就能够看到北美的第一缕 ...
General Motors has fired off its latest salvo in a renewed price war in China with the launch on Saturday of its all-new ...
一款让美国人都投来羡慕眼神的美系SUV先在中国完成首发,这足以看出凯迪拉克品牌对于中国市场坚定的信心。作为全球最值得期待的燃油车之一——凯迪拉克全新XT5的上市,以豪华大满配的姿态诠释了其品牌122年的造车底蕴和非凡实力,满足了人们对于远行的所有想象 ...
Can Cadillac’s 2025 Optiq, a compact luxury EV SUV, stand out with its bold style and innovative tech in a fast-growing ...
The luxury crossover SUV slots just below its slightly larger Lyriq sibling, and will arrive in Canadian dealerships in late ...
Cadillac sales were lower than the 50,285 units delivered by Lexus during Q2 2024 in the U.S. See our detailed Cadillac vs ...
Audi sales were higher than Cadillac sales by 10,232 units during Q2 2024 in the U.S. See our detailed Cadillac vs Audi sales ...