Appel and W. Haken, 1977) states that if G is planar, then χ(G) ≤ 4. Proof 1: As is the case in many theorems in combinatorial analysis, one can prove the theorem by assuming that it is not true, then ...
Also known as "combinatorial logic," it refers to a digital logic function made of primitive logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) in which all outputs of the function are directly related to the ...
Math topics include: vector calculus; partial derivatives and matrices; line integrals; simple differential equations; surface and volume integrals; and Green's, Stokes's, and divergence theorems ...
A mathematical theorem stating that a PERIODIC function f(x) which is reasonably continuous may be expressed as the sum of a series of sine or cosine terms (called the Fourier series), each of which ...
It illustrates, explains, motivates every definition, theorem, proof. Interesting and unique choice of topics, such as a delightful introductory chapter on combinatorial games. Highly recommended.' ...
When calculating angles using a circle theorem, always state which theorem applies. It may not be possible to calculate the missing angle immediately. It may be necessary to calculate another ...
Bill Whitaker: So tell me, what was this bonus question? Calcea Johnson: It was to create a new proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. And it kind of gave you a few guidelines on how would you start a ...
These problems can be often interpreted within the framework of geometric incidence theory and theorems of Szemerédi-Trotter type, which ask for combinatorial bounds on the size of the intersection of ...
The course emphasises a formal treatment of mathematical Game Theory through definitions, theorems and proofs ... game theory with some applications to economics. Nim and combinatorial games.
The course emphasises a formal treatment of mathematical Game Theory through definitions, theorems and proofs ... Concepts and methods of mathematical game theory. Nim and combinatorial games.