Conditional gene targeting based on excision or inversion of loxP-flanked DNA segments by Cre recombinase is a powerful technology for the analysis of gene function, but unexpected expression ...
The Irf8 floxed mouse strain can be used to selectively ablate expression of IRF8 in any cell type in which a Cre recombinase gene is activated. This will permit the identification of IRF8 ...
The MyoD-Cre mouse line expresses the Cre recombinase gene under the control of the MyoD promoter. [12] This mouse line was a gift from A/Prof David Goldhamer (University of Connecticut ...
We have used powerful conditional “gene knockout” techniques involving the cre/lox recombinase system to create mice that lack neurotrophic factors only in a specific tissue. This allowed us to ...
Ad5-CMV-Cre-eGFP expresses the Cre recombinase protein along with eGFP ... Ad5-CMV-CBR-luciferase This adenovirus expresses the Click Beetle Red (CBR) luciferase gene developed by Promega. The Ad5-CMV ...
There is a lot of information here, so please read carefully and be sure you don’t miss something important! What is the Calculus Readiness Exam (CRE)? Our Calculus Readiness Exam (CRE) uses a ...
Sep. 9, 2024 — Scientists developed a highly promising gene therapy to treat glaucoma -- a debilitating eye condition that can lead to complete vision loss, and which affects around 80 million ...
including Lysozyme 2-Cre recombinase heterozygous (Lyz2 Cre+/−), Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor knockout (Ldlr −/−), Recombination Activating Gene 2 knockout (Rag2 −/−) from Charles ...
However, whether BCAS2 has other functions within the nucleus remains largely unknown. Here, we show that BCAS2 is essential for primitive hematopoiesis in zebrafish and mouse embryos. The activation ...
Gene editing had become the biggest subject on the biotech beat, and once a team in China had altered the DNA of a monkey to introduce customized mutations, it seemed obvious that further envelope ...
The inhibition of ERK5 is a potential complementary strategy for countering FAK inhibitor resistance in patients with lung ...
However, the cellular mechanisms by which MC4R regulates reproduction are unknown. Kiss1 neurons directly stimulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release through two distinct populations; the ...