Remaining in Lithuania after the war, she became a keeper of the flame of the city’s once illustrious Yiddish culture.
Two senior Seaman High School students were awarded for sharing the unknown story of a young Jewish girl surviving World War ...
Organizatsye,英文:United Partisan Organization,一般简称FPO)是一个犹太人地下反抗组织(英语:Jewish resistance in German-occupied Europe)。该组织建立于维尔纽斯隔都,致力于号召欧洲犹太人反抗第二次世界大战中的纳粹。该组织由一批信仰革命社會主義 隔都起义 in Nazi ...
Jewish students at Wake Forest University say allowing a speaker known for antisemitic rhetoric to speak on campus is a gut ...
Organizatsye,英文:United Partisan Organization,一般简称FPO)是一个犹太人地下反抗组织(英语:Jewish resistance in German-occupied Europe)。该组织建立于维尔纽斯隔都,致力于号召欧洲犹太人反抗第二次世界大战中的纳粹。该组织由一批信仰革命社會主義 ...
The question of where to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and be safe comes down to where Jews are safe, and your money ...
On 7 October 2023, the armed wing of Hamas and several Palestinian groups launched coordinated attacks from the Gaza Strip ...
Israel's attacks on Hezbollah have led many analysts to caution that violence in the region is now approaching untenable ...
Al Akhbar, a daily tabloid published in Beirut, on Tuesday, ran this headline above the fold: “ Gaza Monster Devours Lebanon .” It is closely affiliated with the Assad regime in Syria. The editorial ...
Hezbollah’s record speaks for itself. The group seeks not peace, but Israel’s eradication. Its patrons in Tehran openly call ...
The United States has had no qualms about casting its lot with the most openly and thoroughly racist regime Israel has ever ...
It is doubtful rank-and-file Lebanese civilians (assuming there are any remaining in south Lebanon) would trust Hezbollah messages over IDF warnings.