My hands shook as I texted my husband. I felt unmoored in my body, as if I’d awoken in a different house than the one where I ...
This optical illusion highlights how perception is influenced by prior context, revealing the brain's creative and emotional ...
The highest security facility of the federal utility can withstand tornadoes, earthquakes and even direct missile strikes.
A new study compared two advanced imaging methods, dMRI-based tractography and PS-OCT, to map nerve fiber orientations in the human brainstem.
In a new study, researchers compared the orientations of nerve fibers in a human brainstem using two advanced imaging techniques: diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI)-based tractography and ...
Widespread color-opponency in mouse V1 enhances object decoding in the sky, highlighting the evolutionary importance of color processing in non-primate species.
A unique quantum effect in biology could be the key to understanding a common marker of Alzheimer's, raising questions about ...
In a new study, researchers compared the orientations of nerve fibers in a human brainstem using two advanced imaging techniques: diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI)-based tractography and ...
The world’s first eye and face transplant was performed on Aaron James, showing promising results in eye health and an ...
Researchers have developed a groundbreaking soft cortical device that could revolutionize the treatment of epilepsy and other neurological disorders.