Too often European consumers and businesses have taken energy security as a given, but learned that even a partial supply disruption can have severe consequences.
Events of recent years – the 2008 financial crisis, renewed Russian aggression and the COVID‑19 pandemic –severely tested the EU and its Member States' ability to balance shrinking fiscal space with ...
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing European societies, with impacts on many aspects of our lives, including employment. New skills will be needed for 'green' jobs, creating the ...
The wellbeing of present and future generations was at the centre of discussions during the Summit of the Future convened in New York from 22 to 23 September 2024.
Energy transition has long been top of the EU agenda in the context of the Union's climate targets and the European Green Deal.
The 2008 global financial and economic crisis marked the end of a decades-long era of progressive globalisation.
This year's United Nations World Maritime Day (26 September) celebrates the theme of 'Navigating the future: safety first!'.
Our infographic shows the overview of the BRICS+ countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU.
Corruption takes various forms, which may qualify as criminal offences in themselves, while also serving as an enabler of other crimes.