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Apple working on portable electronic device for photo... An Apple patent (number 8305355) for a portable electronic device for photo management has appeared at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. A ...
Software is abstract and non-tactile by its very nature. It can be difficult to see what it is doing and why it may be misbehaving. To get a better view of software, we often use tools like gdb, leaks ...
In January 2006, Apple moved from PowerPC processors to Intel processors. This brought with it a number of changes to the way that a Macintosh works. These changes involved the move from the IBM ...
With Office 2008 on the horizon, Microsoft has recently begun to push AppleScript as an alternative automation technology to Visual Basic macros in the Office applications. Moving forward, Visual ...
With the advent of other Forth systems than MacForth, and Forth-related packages such as NEON, a utility is needed that lets us quickly convert the MacForth 'Blocks' format into a standard ASCII text ...