Lisa designed and completed an official "interdisciplinary PhD", contributing to Computer Science, Psychology, and Education. After graduating, she has focused on computer science education, program ...
Cooperative tasks such as herding and hunting are common among higher animals in nature. A particularly complex example is that of mobbing by spotted hyenas. Through careful coordination, a large ...
Many different animals, including birds and fish, exhibit a collective behavior known as flocking. Flocking behavior is believed by biologists to emerge from relatively simple local control rules ...
Go is one notable board game where computer competence still trails behind that of human experts. In the past, neural-network-based approaches have shown promise. In this paper, the ESP variant of the ...
Throughout history, creature-based content has been a highly valued source of entertainment. With the introduction of evolved virtual creatures (or EVCs) by Karl Sims in 1994, a new source of creature ...
Conversion rate optimization means designing web interfaces such that more visitors perform a desired action (such as register or purchase) on the site. One promising approach, implemented in Sentient ...
Legged robots are useful in tasks such as search and rescue because they can effectively navigate on rugged terrain. However, it is difficult to design controllers for them that would be stable and ...
Deep Proteins researchers draw on lessons from many disciplines, for example, to develop an AI technique called EvoRank that ...
The job of building computer networks that train and run large AI models is becoming increasingly complicated because ...
UT Computer Science ranks No. 10 nationally, tied with the California Institute of Technology and the University of Michigan.
Tim completed an honors thesis on neuroevolution in Othello. After graduating, he went on to the Computer Science PhD program at Rensselaer Polytechnic.