В августе 2024 г. средняя экспортная цена на плиты MDF из Турции повыс... Оперативные данные об изменениях рыночных цен Новые ...
В августе 2023 г. средняя экспортная цена на мебель из древесины из Ту... Оперативные данные об изменениях рыночных цен Новые ...
In August 2023, the average price for the wood furniture exported from Turkey gained 4% compared to ...
In August 2024, the average price for the MDF panels exported from Turkey gained 3% compared to the ...
Скидка 10% на аналитику Lesprom Network при годовой подписке ...
In August 2024, the average price for wood furniture imported to Japan upped 4% compared to the ...
Средняя цена на импортную фанеру в Японии в августе поднялась на 2% по ...
In August 2024, the average price for plywood imported to Japan gained 2% compared to the previous ...
The Elite Cameron CS800 is equipped with a shaftless pick-up unwind, which reduces manual labor and enhances safety for mill ...
In August 2024, the exports of wood pellets from Vietnam to Japan decreased 29% year-on-year to ...
The sawmills, located in Bear Lake, Fort St. John, Vanderhoof, and Houston, represent a critical opportunity for Brink to ...
Papelera San Andres de Giles decided in fact to rely on a new E-WIND P80 paper rewinder to internalize the production of ...