Search the profiles of NAS members by keyword OR use the filters below. When searching with multiple filter options, records that meet all of the criteria will display. Select more than one entry in a ...
The memorial to Albert Einstein, situated in an elm and holly grove in the southwest corner of the Academy grounds, was unveiled at the Academy's annual meeting, April 22, 1979, in honor of the ...
The Frontiers of Science symposium series was created as the first program of the National Academy of Sciences targeted specifically for early career scientists. Frontiers was designed to bridge the ...
The NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences recognizes research by a mid-career scientist (defined as up to 20 years since completion of PhD) at a U.S. institution who has made an extraordinary ...
The US-UK Scientific Forum was established in 2008 to help the scientific leadership of the United Kingdom and the United States forge an enduring and productive partnership on pressing topics of ...
The NAS Award in Chemical Sciences is presented annually to honor innovative research in the chemical sciences that contributes to a better understanding of the natural sciences and to the benefit of ...
Scott Atran is an anthropologist known for his work on the importance of “devoted actors” in cultural, political and religious conflicts, and for studies on indigenous environmental management and the ...
Our laboratory studies DNA mismatch repair, which corrects base-pairing errors in the DNA helix and plays an important role in the control of mutation production. We previously identified multiple ...
Judith S. Eisen, PhD is a Professor of Biology in the University of Oregon Institute of Neuroscience. She was born in New York City and grew up in Champaign, Illinois. She earned her BS in Botany and ...
Alice Barkan is a molecular biologist recognized for her work on the biogenesis of chloroplasts. She is known particularly for her studies of the post-transcriptional control of chloroplast gene ...
The Michael and Sheila Held Prize is presented annually to honor outstanding, innovative, creative, and influential research in the areas of combinatorial and discrete optimization, or related parts ...
Interests include national security and intelligence involving phenomena, technology, and equipment for sea, air, land and space for/with U.S. government; limitation of arms, both nuclear and ...