RETURN with an expression terminates the function and returns the value of expression to the caller. This form is used for PL/pgSQL functions that do not return a set. In a function that returns a ...
Sets the amount of memory the database server uses for shared memory buffers. The default is typically 128 megabytes (128MB), but might be less if your kernel settings will not support it (as ...
<= less than or equal ARRAY[1,2,3] <= ARRAY[1,2,3] t See Section 8.15 for more details about array operator behavior. See Section 11.2 for more details about which operators support indexed operations ...
CREATE DATABASE creates a new PostgreSQL database. To create a database, you must be a superuser or have the special CREATEDB privilege. See CREATE USER. The role name of the user who will own the new ...
This module implements the hstore data type for storing sets of key/value pairs within a single PostgreSQL value. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as rows with many attributes that are ...
pg_basebackup is used to take base backups of a running PostgreSQL database cluster. These are taken without affecting other clients to the database, and can be used both for point-in-time recovery ...
If you have pattern matching needs that go beyond this, consider writing a user-defined function in Perl or Tcl. While most regular-expression searches can be executed very quickly, regular ...
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group (PGDG) takes security seriously. This allows our users to place their trust in PostgreSQL for protecting their mission-critical data. The PostgreSQL Global ...
pg_restore — restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump Restore only the data, not the schema (data definitions). Table data, large objects, and sequence values are restored ...
There are two kinds of indexes that can be used to speed up full text searches: GIN and GiST. Note that indexes are not mandatory for full text searching, but in cases where a column is searched on a ...
PostgreSQL's statistics collector is a subsystem that supports collection and reporting of information about server activity. Presently, the collector can count accesses to tables and indexes in both ...