《最终幻想16》PC版的发售无疑为角色扮演游戏爱好者带来了新的狂欢。这款游戏设定在一个名为瓦里斯泽亚的大陆,讲述了王子克劳夫为追寻冒险而成为骑士的史诗故事。为了在这片魔法与奇幻交织的世界中畅游,玩家们需要一台性能卓越的主机来支持游戏的高画质和流畅运行 ...
The Asus ROG NUC 970 is a powerful, gaming-focused mini PC in a unique chassis that allows it to be used in either a vertical ...
With performance and battery life figures like this, Intel's 200V-series is a firm favourite for my next pocket-sized PC ...
近日,《战神5:诸神黄昏》PC端在玩家们的热情期待中终于上线~这是一款由圣莫尼卡工作室精心打造的史诗级动作冒险游戏,它不仅延续了系列的精髓,更带来了前所未有的游戏体验!在这个版本中,玩家将跟随奎托斯和阿特柔斯的脚步,探索九界的神秘角落,揭开一个个古老 ...
Oftentimes, Asus likes to market its brands as high-end alternatives to those of its competitors, so we weren’t too surprised ...
Taiwanese tech giant ASUS aims to become India's top PC (personal computer) brand having 25-30 per cent market share in two ...
9月21日至9月22日,中国大型电子游戏嘉年华2024核聚变北京站,在北京北人亦创国际会展中心盛大召开。作为知名电竞硬件厂商,ROG携手AMD在A06展台为玩家带来了一场硬核游戏盛宴。在这里可体验到基于锐龙9000系处理器搭配华硕AMD ...
Taiwanese tech giant ASUS aims to become India's top personal computer brand having 25-30% market share in two years, with ...
ASUS aims to dominate India's PC market with aggressive retail expansion, targeting 25-30% market share in two years.
Taiwanese tech giant ASUS aims to become India's top PC (personal computer) brand having 25-30 per cent market share in two ...
ASUS, currently India's #2 consumer notebook brand, aims to become the top PC brand with a 25-30% market share in two years.